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Aria Zoner

Aria Zoner on The Cascade Hiker Podcast

Join me for an in-depth conversation with Cascade Hiker Podcast.

Broadcasting from Bellingham, WA host Rudy Giecek brings you people who have hiked trails and a whole lot more. So it only makes sense then that Whole Food Hiker would have the most episodes of any guest on it, right?

It's funny for me to say that but in all seriousness, I didn’t pitch Rudy for a shot to be on his podcast and we've never met in person. He contacted me and said, “I’ve had some awesome guests on and you lately have been my most requested guest. What do you think about that?”

(Insert crickets here)

I thought about it later and couldn’t go on without thanking you all for this opportunity more properly, hence this post.

As you may know, more important to me than getting my trails designated is helping people thrive on adventures of this magnitude.

During these episodes, we get into that, plus we talk about art, music, hot springs and so much more.

Thanks again for your requests, everyone. This was an awesome surprise!


Aria Zoner on The Cascade Hiker Podcast


Cascade Hiker Podcast - Bonus Show 14

Click on Image to Listen

  • Making music off-the-grid

  • Skateboarding at 40+

  • Goals for my National Scenic Trail proposals.


Cascade Hiker Podcast - Episode 106

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  • Wilderness hermit turned online food activist

  • My thoughts on trail magic

  • The essence of Whole Food Hiker

*During this episode I mentioned a land flip I was a part of which involved the 3rd oldest ranch in California, the Triple J Ranch. This was a share-based development that involved 36 investors. Although I was the least invested member, I did well for myself because I got to live there for free during the project. Other low-entry level land investments I’d recommend from experience for flipping to fund your multi-month hiking trips are: RV developments in Florida and raw land for hunting camps.


“I like the way you put it. Your words seem to resonate so well with me.” – Rudy Giecek


Cascade Hiker Podcast - Episode 112

Click on Image to Listen

  • Honoring historic trails

  • Wilderness high-pointing

  • The things that matter on a thru-hike


Cascade Hiker Podcast - Episode 125

Click on Image to Listen

  • Who built The Hot Springs Trail?

  • Nudity on the trail!

  • How this trail is changing.

Be sure to stay tuned till the end of this episode for an exclusive bite on what I’m working on next.


If you enjoyed these broadcasts, let the Cascade Hiker Podcast know. And while you’re over there, check out his other episodes too.

With so much info to digest, now’s a good time to take a hike.

Thanks again for getting me on. I hope you learned something that increases the comfort or skill level of your own hiking adventures.

Thoughts after hearing this? I’d love to hear from you…


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